Saturday, April 23, 2011

Happy Holidays!

Have a great Easter everyone! We are actually going to take half a day and go to Church and then to have brunch at THE LANDING ZONE. Jim puts out a great spread and his BBQ is TO DIE FOR! The Fried Pies are Crazy Good to.
Everyone has their orders for tomorrow and a little rest will be nice. All the pups went out wit the sheep this morning and I took some good pictures of them with the girls. I will post them on Facebook for anyone that wants to see them.
 Pork Pick up is next Saturday along with CSA and Pantry Pick up.
The Bottle lamb is going to visit a Nursing home this afternoon and we may let Ping tag along. It just isn't the same without Charm to go with us. I know it's silly but I still miss her almost a year later. She was my travelling buddy for 18 years! (Tweed said to say thanks for the treats AMY. The Duck Jerky was DEEElicious!) And Allen I LOVE LOVE LOVE the new crook! Thank you for making it for me, the balance is perfect and the the scrimshaw work you did is beautiful.

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